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How It Works

“The party had so many twists and turns but was incredibly easy to be a part of."
- Ashley B.
Step 1:
Choose a Mystery

Each mystery is designed for a specific number of people so that each guest plays an integral part of the mystery and has their own unique story arc. We currently have six mysteries to choose from.

Step 2:
Casting and Prep

The host fills out a quick survey to help us best cast each role. Then we send out a character list and individual character secrets so guests can come in costume and the murderer can prepare their lies.

Step 3:
Set Up

On the night of the party, a Ghost Ship representative arrives and hides clues. They remain present as a minor character and guide the party by providing prompts to guests so the host doesn't have to worry about anything but solving the murder.

For our virtual mysteries: A Ghost Ship representative is still present to run the game for you, but the clues are emailed to guests during the game, not hidden.

Step 4:
Party Time

Over about 2 hours, guests gossip, lie, cheat, and steal to achieve their character's goals. Periodically, the rep hands out individualized prompts encouraging guests to find a clue or share a secret. 

For our virtual mysteries, guests play in a virtual “room” on the platform gather.townwhere they are able to walk around and engage each other in private or group (video chat) conversations, much like at an in-person party.

Step 5:
Accuse a Murderer

The group votes for who they think the murderer is and the answer is revealed!

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